Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I wanted to make it clear right off the bat that I am NOT a Guru......there are plenty of those already out there......pick your favorite flavor!

One definition say's:
A guru (Sanskrit: गुरु) is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area.

I am no Sheldon Brown, but I do feel that I fit the bill of a the definition at the top of the blog. By that definition.....we all have the capacity to be Swami's! Isn't that what we are all ultimately working on regularly? To know ourselves? To figure out how we fit into everything else around us??????

Well, I happen to be one such person that "found myself" while pedaling along on my bike.

I think we quickly forget the freedom that a bike provides. As a kid it is our first experience at true self-willed expression. We got to determine where we went, how fast we got there and how many wheelies we popped in between. We could jump ramps or bomb down hills and it all happened with us in control at the helm of our vessel.

Now in adulthood....we can find ourselves inundated with a variety of stresses that overwhelm us at times. And so it is a very precious block of time out of the day to regain the control of our existance. To be able to shed all the garbage that clutters our mind and get lost in the tempo or the scenary or the smells or whatever sensical experience refreshes you through the simple experience of riding a bike.

Now....I am not saying that a bike is the be all end all answer.....but it is a very reliable element that can be counted on if you need it! If you don't know what i am talking about....drop me a line......I'd be happy to share more! I really do think there are a number of valuable lessons one can learn from this simple machine.

I'll start sharing some of them soon!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1

There seems to be something missing......I subscribe to a number of the cycling magazines, and while reading through all the articles about lactate threshold and gear inches.....and then getting lost in the pictures of places i will probably never personally see and bodies I definitely will never resemble.

Well, eventually I realized that none of this stuff really represents me. None of this stuff is why I ride a bike. I have looked around for the voice of recreation. That is the true heart of it after all.

Don't we all desire to "re-create" ourselves from time to time?

Well......I finally figured I would have to be my own that is the purpose of this!

An expression of the true essence of riding that seems to have been lost in the flashy carbon fiber creations of late. I feel there are many lessons to be learned from this two wheel mechanism that fosters freedom from the everyday stresses that seem to control our lives.

Let's see where we go from here!